What to expect
The first appointment typically involves an assessment where we work together to define the difficulties you’re facing, and then create goals for treatment. It's an opportunity to get to know a little bit about you and your life experience in order to put your challenges into context. It also gives you the opportunity to see whether I am someone you’d like to work with.
The following sessions involve the therapeutic work to achieve these goals. ​Sometimes challenges can be resolved within 2-3 sessions, other times more extensive therapy is necessary and can extend to 10 or more sessions. This can be discussed and revised as we go along, taking into account your needs and preferences.
I may ask you at times to reflect on things in between sessions, or practice new skills in order to more effectively make changes outside the therapy session.
How much does a session cost?
Fees are $220 incl GST for a 60 min appointment payable by bank transfer or cash prior to or at the time of the appointment.
Low income clients and students, may also be eligible for funding from WINZ or Study Link, please enquire with Jessica.
There is no charge if you cancel an appointment 24 hours or more prior to the scheduled time, as this allows me time to offer the appointment to other clients on my waitlist. However, a 50% fee will apply if a session is cancelled on the day, and the full fee will apply for failure to attend a booked session without notice.
Appointment times are currently available on Tuesday and Wednesday 10 - 6pm in Parnell and Thursday 10-6pm via zoom.
Jessica provides support to individuals 18y +